Site Description

Site Name

Ainsworth Favorite Things


Purpose Statement

A website focused on collecting and sharing the family traditions, stories and history of the Ainsworth family. This is an exclusively limited audience.

Background and Details:

The Ainsworth family has been spread to various locations across the country and several years ago they realized that they were losing part of their family heritage because they did not have much opportunity to spend time together. The grandchildren did not have the opportunity to learn from their grandparents, aunts and uncles lost touch, and cousins rarely met together. They realized that part of their identity includes their family origins and oral traditions.

The new website will bring together the stories of family experiences, likes and dislikes, funny anecdotes, "things momma told me", and a list of their favorite things, and give them a place for adding future material. Because it is web-based, they can add photos and videos as well as written content. This new medium will generate interest in the project, and the simplicity will increase participation.

Family members will be asked to contribute to the website on a regular basis. However, this is not intended to become the Ainsworth “Facebook”. The proposed plan is to introduce themes and ask for input on various topics, but still allow any of the family members to add additional content as they desire. Inclusion of a family blog has also been contemplated.

Target Audience

The target audience for this website is exclusive to the Ainsworth family – grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren. This group includes a wide range of age groups, interests, occupations and geographic locations.



Attribute Details
Persona: Brother (sibling)
Photo: Bob
Fictional name: Bob
Job title / major responsibilities: Electrical Utility Foreman/Manager
Demographics: Age: 58 years old
Education: High school graduate, trade school, some college
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
Family status:
  • Married to first wife (38 years)
  • Father of three children
  • Grandfather of four children
Goals and tasks: He is laid-back and easy-going.
He accomplishes his responsibilities with care and integrity and expects subordinates to do the same.
He prefers to avoid conflict.
Spends his work time:
  • Troubleshooting technical issues with electric grid
  • Assigning workload for subordinates
  • Performing work on difficult/unusual issues
Environment: Uses a PC connected via broadband connection at home. At work he uses a PC connected via T1 or laptop connected via wi-fi. Also uses a smartphone on wireless network, occasionally connecting via wi-fi.
He uses email frequently. He occasionally uses social media, but prefers to be an observer, rather than an active participant.
Quote: “Of course I talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice.”


Attribute Details
Persona: Niece (extended family)
Photo: Niece
Fictional name: Nancy
Job title / major responsibilities: Administrative assistant
Demographics: Age: 33 years old
Education: High school graduate
Ethnicity: Caucasian/White
Family status:
  • Divorced
  • Mother of one child
Goals and tasks: She is cheerful and enthusiastic, but easily distracted at work.
She performs her job well, but has little drive to excel.
Her responsibilities include:
  • Answering phones and directing calls
  • Filing paperwork
  • Word processing
  • General office tasks
Environment: She uses a laptop connected to a broadband gateway via wi-fi at home. She also uses a tablet and a smartphone. At work she uses a PC connected via T1 to the corporate LAN.
She has multiple personal email accounts, but social media is her preferred communication method. She is very skilled with social media and uses it frequently each day, every day.
Quote: “Waking up before 7am should be illegal.”


For this exercise, I am using task-based scenarios:

  1. A teenaged boy has an assignment to write a report on family members who have served in the military and needs a source of information.
  2. A young girl wants to hear the story of “how grandma and grandpa met”.
  3. A married couple wants a method/place to share their wedding photos with other members of the family who are far away, and to preserve them for future generations.
  4. An adult man is diagnosed with a medical condition that may be hereditary and wants to know if other members of the family have had the same condition.
  5. An adult woman wants to show her daughter pictures of her aunts, so she can see where she gets her beautiful eyes.
  6. A young man wants to know if there are any videos of his deceased grandparents so he see them and hear their voices.
  7. A woman wants to conduct a fun survey of the extended family to build family bonds.
  8. An older man wants to view pictures of the family from previous years and reminisce.
  9. The family historian needs a space to store family stories so they are accessible to everyone in the family.
  10. A man working on his genealogy needs a source of information to clarify some questions he has about an ancestor’s record he found on

Content Architecture

Content List

Site Map

Site Map

Style Guide

Color Scheme

Basic color scheme will be Blue/Green/Yellow – Full colors

Color Scheme
Color Sample

Image is for color scheme reference only. This is not a wireframe.


Item Font Size Color
1 Default body text Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif 16px (1em) #555555 (gray)
2 Site level - Heading Level 1 (H1) Georgia, Times, "Times New Roman", serif 64px (4em) #5777C0 (blue)
Background: #365BB0
3 Primary Navigation Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif 16px (1em) #009E00 (green)
Background: #54D954
4 Heading Level 1 (H1) Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif 36px (2.25em), normal #9B9B00 (dark yellow)
5 Heading Level 2 (H2) Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif 28px (1.75em), normal #9B9B00 (dark yellow)
6 Heading Level 3 (H3) Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif 22px (1.375em), normal #9B9B00 (dark yellow)
7 Heading Level 4, 5 and 6 (H4, H5, H6) Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif 16px (1em), normal #9B9B00 (dark yellow)
8 Footer text Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif 12px (.75em), normal #007C00 (green)
Background: #FFFF63


Navigation will be located near the top of the page, between the header and the main elements. It will be light green (#54D954) with darker green text (#009E00). It will also have a hover effect which will change the background color to dark green (#007C00) and the text to light green (#54D954) during the hover. Navigation will be uniform across the site.

Primary Navigation


Full Screen Browser Tablet Browser Smartphone Browser